an evidence-based clinical program 

Identifying & treating the causes of illness via the gut-brain interaction.

The aim is to achieve a sustainable recovery & improved wellbeing, with specific and overall psychological, physiological & functional improvements — 'poo' better, feel better, think better, be better.

The role of the gut-brain axis in body regulation.

GBS is the bridge  between the clinical application of the science of gut health and gut-brain-interaction-based treatment programs.

Why? The gut-brain axis is responsive to what we eat, how we sleep, how we live our life, what stresses we have to deal with and how we deal with them, how we interact with life events, the context of our living, our genetic and other vulnerabilities. The interaction of these factors can progressively increase metabolic, physiological and other disturbances that can eventually manifest in a wide range of mental and physical health problems. This indicates that a gut-brain-axis dysfunction is a marker for an underlying problem and that intervening at this level can be expected to achieve better outcomes than exclusively chasing symptoms.
"The process & the outcome can be likened to the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly."

Addressing weight gain, bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular symptoms, Traumatic Brain Injury, brain fog, attentional & memory problems  & much more...

  • When everything is balanced.

    When our microbiota are balanced our system keeps our body healthy, promotes good digestion, clear thinking, balanced mood and a healthy immune system — resulting in glowing overall health and wellbeing.

  • When everything is unbalanced.

    When our microbiota go out of balance we risk such symptoms as weight gain, brain fog, abdominal bloating, anxiety, depression, joint pain, sleep problems (especially wake after sleep onset — WASO), fatigue, palpitations and a sense of being overwhelmed, amongst others. The gut microbiota-gut-brain axis is involved in the body’s essential self-regulation processes (homeostasis and allostasis). These are the brain-body systems processes that enable us to cope with the demands of life, including stress and is part of how the body ‘keeps the score’. In contrast to the brain-centric view, gut bugs are part of the ‘collective intelligence’ of the overall brain-body system and contribute to what is called prior learning, or memory, which shape our ‘predictive models’. These models enable us to make sense of our world, feel and respond to our experiences and, with new learning, modify these expectations as required. An imbalanced gut microbiota can affect these modifications, which in turn are associated with a wide range of symptoms and illnesses. Going beyond the symptoms to also identify and treat these underlying processes allows greater precision, personalisation and better health outcomes. The process of treatment also provides an opportunity to ‘process’ life experiences and re-evaluate our sense of self.

who is

Gut Brain Science?

Doctors who have been working uniquely at the intersection between theoretical and applied microbiology and clinical practice for the treatment of gut-dysbiosis-related ailments.

Dr Rufina Lam

Dr Lam (Fi) Dr Lam — MHB (Imm), MBChB, DipSport Med, Cert Int Med (Qld), FRNZCGP, FRACGP, FACNEM — works as a rural GP with a special interest in Gut Health, which has allowed her to compile a valuable history of patient case studies that shed light on the practical application of microbiota analysis in clinical care. Her development of insights into the effects of  microbiota on patient health are fundamental to the practice of GBS and the evidence base that underpins the GBS approach.

Dr Mark Ryan

Dr Ryan, MB BS FRANZCP BCN, is a psychiatrist with a strong interest in understanding the mind-brain-body nexus and new approaches in therapies that can improve and sustain mental health and well-being. Mark's interest lies in developing evidence-based methods of integrating brain-based technologies with interpersonal therapies. He has been involved in research into the latest applications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Neurofeedback, safe and focal therapies for Depression, OCD, ADHD and Sleep, without the need for medications.  

The support team

GBS sources faecal and blood testing externally — without commercial preference — and liaises with nutritionists, ketogenic diet specialists and compounding pharmacists to deliver a personalised program based on each individual's microbiota profile, state of health and state of mind. Administration and operations are handled within GBS, with advisory services provided by Dr Helena Johnston, FRACMA, who has a background as a medical administrator, educator and in clinical practice. Theoretical, research and educational support are delivered through Gut Health Science,
a related, not-for-profit entity.

an exciting new venture in systems medicine

A first-of-its-kind treatment program
based on many years of study and practice.

This is the cutting edge of the clinical application of the science of gut health and gut-brain-interaction-based treatment programs.

It is not the first time patients have been treated for gut-related problems that present as a range of different conditions — much of the understanding of how this is applied comes from a great number of case studies stretching back many years. It is, however, the first time this has been delivered as a cohesive offering and, as such, is still in development. We currently accept applications for treatment on a case-by-case basis (not Medicare funded) and are planning the development of an automated online offering that can make the program available to a wider community of patients. Please understand that progress is slow, as it is of the utmost importance that GBS adheres to all regulatory guidelines.

Our ‘look under the hood’ approach is in response to the syndromal nature of most diagnoses, based only on symptom sets and not based on associated pathophysiological biomarker factors. This approach looks for processes that drive and maintain symptoms and syndromal features. These processes are thus best understood as transdiagnostic factors. Intervening at this ‘under the hood’ level is ‘closer to the money’ with typically better results than a ‘treating the symptoms only’ approach and usually with across-the-board benefits. - Dr Mark Ryan

If you would like to stay informed about GBS, or if you would like to contact us, please complete the form below. To request an appraisal of your suitability for a treatment program, please use the below email link for 'referrals'.

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How to find us

Send a message via the Contact Form on the right.
Prospective patients may request treatment via the email below.

PO Box 261 Nambucca Heads NSW 2448
